Contact | |
My addresses | | | |
SnailMail |
Mikael Grahn |
WWW | |
For Bugreports and/or suggestions please use my Email. You can also join the MindSID mailing-list. All new releases will be announced on the mailing-list, so please join it. | |
To join the mailing-list write a mail to "". Leave the subject field empty(else you'll get an error in return). Write the following in the message-body : "subscribe Mindsid [email-adress]". The email-address is only necessary if you wan't the mails sent to any other location than the reply-to field. | |
For more information about the SID-chip and more technical details check out the main SidPlay homepage at : | |
For SID-tunes check out the BIG High Voltage SID Collection at : |